Lund University
Call: Hultengrens fond för filosofi ht 2021
Period: 2021-10-07 – 2021-10-28 23:59
Number: V 2021/2737

Erik and Gurli Hultengren Fund for Philosophy at Lund University

Purpose: The net proceeds are to be used to promote a life-oriented philosophy.

Grants are awarded for activities that:

Grants are awarded as scholarships and to cover costs for conferences, symposia and printing. Only in exceptional cases will grants be awarded to cover salary costs.

The award decision will be made by the Vice-Chancellor after a proposal from the board of the Hans Larsson Community.

Amount: SEK 550 000


Applications for research grants from the foundation are to be made via the Lund University application system for scholarships and grants. Where appropriate, documentation that supports and specifies the nature and size of the costs should be attached to the application.


Payment to persons employed at Lund University/ other higher education institution will be made to the applicant’s department. Where applicable, the application is to include the department’s overhead costs. It is appropriate to include these under the heading ‘other costs’. The costs stated in the application are to exclude VAT.

As a rule, 11% of the awarded grant is permitted to cover overhead costs.

In cases where the statutes of the foundation allow grants to be paid to organisations outside Lund University/other higher education institutions or to students directly, the payment will be made to a personal bank account or the equivalent. In such cases, the costs stated in the application are to include VAT.

If the funds have not been used for the stated purpose within the timeframe decided, they are to be repaid.